Sign up your business for the reporting obligation by following the steps below:

•    Go to and enter ‘Tilmelding til indberetning af deleøkonomiske indtægter’ (Signing up for reporting income from sharing economy) in the search field
•    Select Tilmelding til indberetning af deleøkonomiske indtægter - danske virksomheder - 03.088 (Signing up for reporting income from sharing economy - Danish businesses - 03.088
•    Click ‘Start selvbetjening’ (Start self-service)
•    Log on using your NemID private or NemID employee signature
•    Enter the CVR no. or SE no. of your business
•    Enter your business name
•    Enter your business address (optional)
•    Enter your business phone number (optional)
•    Enter your business email (optional)
•    Enter relevant details in the fields under ‘Evt. yderligere kontaktoplysninger’ (Additional contact information) (optional)
•    Click ‘Næste’ (Next)
•    Indicate the activities offered by your platform
•    Indicate the starting date of the sharing economy activity
•    Click ‘Næste’ (Next)
•    Fill in the field ‘Supplerende oplysninger’ (Additional information) (optional)
•    Attach any documentation (optional)
•    Click ‘Næste’ (Next)
•    Enter any additional information (optional), and attach any documentation (optional).
•    Click ‘Næste’ (Next)
•    Confirm your entries by ticking the confirmation field
•    Indicate which role or function you have in the business
•    Click ‘Næste’ (Next)
•    Summary
•    Click Send

When the registration has been processed, a new registration certificate will be generated. Once the registration certificate has been generated by the Danish Business Authority, the Customs and Tax Administration will be informed. Find your registration certificate in E-tax for businesses under Profile. To access E-tax for businesses, go to and log on as a business.

You are now registered for the obligation to report income from sharing economy activities, but you will have to assign rights. Read more about this in section 2.1.4 Assigning rights and roles.

If you experience any problems with the registration, please contact the Tax Agency at or on +45 72 38 02 10.