In this context, a correction is understood as a minor adjustment of amounts, change of the asset identity from, for example, car1 to car2. This is typically caused by minor errors and/or misunderstandings in the reporting platform.

In this context, invalidation is understood as a general error. An error that, e.g., was caused by a system error in the reporting platform which resulted in completely incorrect reports.

When should a correction be made?

A correction must be made in the report if the reported amount, rental period or rental address was entered with incorrect information. If the information is not changed, the incorrect report will be ‘transferred’ with the new report for the next period. If the wrong address has been reported or cannot be changed, an invalidation must be made.

It is recommended that you as a platform corrects or invalidates reports.

Renewed reporting must be carried out where the validation status of the submission has one of the following statuses:

• IKKE_BERIGET (not enriched)
• BERIGET_UDEN_OVERFØRSEL_TIL_SLUT (enriched without transfer to SLUT) (SLUT is our automatic system handling the tax assessment notice)
• TEKNISK_FEJL (technical error)

If you accidentally submit a report where the validation status of the submission has one of the following statuses:

• IKKE_BERIGET (not enriched)
• BERIGET_UDEN_OVERFØRSEL_TIL_SLUT (enriched without transfer to SLUT) (SLUT is our automatic system handling the tax assessment notice)
• TEKNISK_FEJL (technical error) 
and reporting has been performed on the account, it is important to correct it so that the latest submission will always be the current report.

If you experience one of the scenarios above, make a correction to the current report. This also applies even if there are no corrections to data in the file (e.g. identical file submitted twice).

When should an invalidation be made?

The report must be invalidated if errors have resulted in completely incorrect reports or the asset has not been let.

How to make a correction or invalidation

Corrections and invalidation are made just like reporting via the Web service (REST API).

A correction or invalidation is made by overwriting the original report. The original report always has ‘sequenceNumber’: 1

The new report (correction or invalidation) will be given ‘sequenceNumber’: 2

All data on the report is located in JSON filing data, see section 3.4 Data structure. When an invalidation is performed, it has the same URL syntax as a regular report, see appendix 1 - Technical requirements under ‘Web service and URL’. This includes the URL ‘FilingReference’, which is the reporting identification number. This means that the system can read which report it is and that it is a correction or invalidation of a report already made. Therefore, in connection with invalidation, the ‘filing data’ element must be omitted.

A correction is technically carried out as an invalidation of a previously submitted series of reports, followed by a new row with the new values.