Dato for udgivelse
08 Dec 2011 15:31

In a reply to the Danish Government the European Commission has officially informed the Danish Government that it considers the matter on the Danish Customs Control Agreement closed.

In a reply to the Danish Government the European Commission has officially informed the Danish Government that it considers the matter on the Danish Customs Control Agreement closed. The reply from the European Commission comes after the Danish Government informed the European Commission of its decision to officially abolish the Danish agreement on enhanced customs control.

Following the reply from the European Commission Minister for European Affairs Nicolai Wammen said: “I am pleased that the European Commission has closed the matter and I appreciate the constructive dialogue there has been with the European Commission on this. The Danish Government is committed to fighting crime in the Schengen Area. It is important, however, that our resources are put to use in the most efficient way. The customs control agreement did not provide for that. It also sent the wrong signals to our partners in the EU.”

The agreement was concluded in May 2011 by the previous Danish Government and entailed deployment of customs officers at the Danish borders as well as purchase of new equipment and construction of customs control facilities in 2011-2014. Since the conclusion of the agreement in May 2011 Denmark has been in close contact with the European Commission on the implementation of the agreement to ensure its compatibility with EU law.

The intention to abolish the customs control agreement was originally mentioned in the Danish Government’s political platform from 3 October 2011. On 14 October 2011 the Danish Government officially decided to abolish the agreement and informed the European Commission accordingly on 25 October 2011.

For further information please contact:
International media: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Division (EU Law), Mrs. Vibeke Pasternak Jørgensen: +45 25 28 37 09
Danish media: Ministry of Taxation, press line: +45 72 37 09 00